Текущий бонус опыта: нет бонуса, бонус благородства: нет бонуса
Ледовая арена | 29/11/10 17:22
[center]На пару дней раньше начался новый сезон, основные особенности:[/center]
- матчи, как и раньше, делятся на 2 типа: обычные (со случайным подбором команды) и лига ветеранов, куда записываются собранными командами;
- каток остался прежним, только изменились старые награды и добавились новые;
- если на персонаже одета наградная экипировка, на хоккейном поле ему выдадут соответствующее улучшенное обмундирование, и он получит небольшое преимущество над рядовыми хоккеистами. Кроме того, он может воодушевить команду, попросив помощи у тренера;
- для участия в ветеранской лиге нужна бронзовая клюшка.
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Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services
[24.04.2022 04:15]
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Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services
[24.04.2022 04:37]
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services.
<a href=https://estheticland.com/>best cosmetic surgery turkey</a>
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services
<a href=https://estheticland.com/>cosmetic surgery turkey</a>
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services
[24.04.2022 09:13]
[24.04.2022 09:19]
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[24.04.2022 09:33]
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery treat congenital and acquired aesthetic, shape, and functional disorders. Specialist plastic surgeons meet the requirements of the branch. Cosmetic surgery in Turkey includes plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgical operations.
if there's anything else that you need you can write me.
thanks in advance for your services